Every Wednesday morning me and my friend Anna would go for our weekly Hula Class,but today I woke up feeling a little low ( My brother is going home for good in 2 weeks, and one of my boss just quit his job so sudden yesterday so its like a double whammy for me in 2 days..) Anyways, I still woke up and got dressed for Hula waited for Anna to come by (but secretly prayed that Anna forgot about it or woke up late hehe!) because we carpool to Hula class. The Class started at 9am and usually Anna would swing by at 830am. But 830 turned to 840 then to 845 and then my phone rang (it was Anna) and She told me that she was running late because she just got out from work and she was on her way to my place..but I told her I wasn't feeling great this morning and wouldn't mind if we skip Hula today, I told her what happened and she suggested we go for brunch. So she came over and brought me to Brockton Villa in La Jolla its on 1235 Coast Blvd La Jolla. She told me the best thing to try over there is Coast toast which is, their famous French Toast, Similar to a soufflé, extra rich with a hint of orange. So We ordered that and Carne Asada Benedict.
I absolutely love the Coast toast! The Baguette is crispy on the outside and goey inside.Its not eggy and not to sweet and you can taste the hint of orange. I highly recommend you guys to order this.
The Carne Asada Benedict is delicious as well. It's their House-Made Carne Asada with Avocado,Poached Eggs,English Muffin. Topped with Cilantro Hollandaise Sauce. Hello Hollandaise sauce! I love Hollandaise sauce! they served it with rosemary potatoes and the potatoes are well seasoned and the carne asada is yummy!
So if you guys ever wanted to try a new breakfast place, this is the place to go. Its by La Jolla cove so the beach would be your view! The restaurant is really cute but it's slightly expensive. The Coast Toast is $12 and Carne Asada is $13. Here's their website
Brockton Villa .
And Thanks to Anna for bringing me here and make my day a little better. :)

Carne Asada Benedict

Coast Toast